Exposition dU mardi 14 au 18 décembre 2021

"Photography is the art of both life and death. What the photograph captures is a life in one still moment, but what the photograph always implies is the death of its subject. If the person in the photograph has not died, he or she eventually will. The fact of death, or the inevitability of death, is part of what gives photography its magnetic power. A remarkable photograph haunts us not only because of its composition, or lighting, or content, but also because of the tension between the mortality of what has been captured in the photograph—a person, a flower—and the immortality of the photograph.
(...) In his artwork, Saïkusa translates this tension between life and death, beauty and decay, artifice and reality. The still life (in English), or nature morte (in French), are preoccupations for Saïkusa. The different names of the genre in two languages signal how life and death are both involved in the staging of the beautiful or memorable subject, or object."
Nguyen Thanh Viet